About me

Dancer, researcher, human being

I am a creative thinker and maker, inspired by a unique childhood spent in India and Belgium. I am fascinated by languages and practise dance since childhood. I obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics in June 2023. My research focuses on the foreign language acquisition of languages such as Hindi. I have published in peer-review journals and have written several book chapters. I have experience in teaching Hindi as a freelancer and occasionally taught classes for the Indian Languages and Cultures department at Ghent University.

My interest in India has led me to become a linguist as well as a professional dancer. I have over 20 years of experience in several dance styles. Until 2022, I regularly performed with the Maya Sapera Company and have co-produced several of our stage productions. I have 15 years of experience in teaching dance to amateurs as well as professionals, in different countries, and different languages. In 2022, I have produced a dance project that incorporates my expertise as a linguist and was funded by the University of Oxford (UK).